When playing a blu-ray movie VLC is taking a lot of my Intel Atom CPU. What are some ways to reduce CPU load while playing 1080p video? I tried several settings that seemed to be relative but didn't change much.
Just for the record, and for anyone else trying to figure out this part of VLC... My statement about HTTP 'just working' is a little misleading. You do have to give an input that the UI gives no clue about. For HTTP stream to work, you have to supply a file name of the file type being streamed. For ...
Is there any detailed documentation on the different streaming options using the GUI? Each protocol has different inputs and some of them are not clear about what to input and how to configure the user's media player. Sometimes the output is kinda strange, .e.g., ... rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/test ... <-...
(Sorry for the late reply...) Thanks for the links, which I had seen one of them. Streaming still seems buggy (even with 2.1, which is not detected as a new version by 2.08!). The only thing I could get to work was HTTP with MPG files, and the tutorial gave the key piece -> supply a file name in the...
Hi, I've been trying to get the 'streaming' function of VLC going and can't get anywhere with it. It is not straightforward as one might expect and the GUI is confusing. I've looked at the tutorials and they are either out-of-date (UI is too old) or just seem to be missing pertinent information. Wha...