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by gahbahj
03 Mar 2011 22:08
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: live555 error: SETUP of'video/X-ASF-PF' failed 461
Replies: 4
Views: 814

Re: live555 error: SETUP of'video/X-ASF-PF' failed 461

rtsp:// among others oddly, the url mms:// works & gets this in 1.1.7 :: access_mms info: selecting stream[0x1] audio (64 Kib/s) access_mms info: selecting stream[0x2] video (668 Kib/s) access_mms info: connection successful while rtsp://21...
by gahbahj
03 Mar 2011 12:54
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: live555 error: SETUP of'video/X-ASF-PF' failed 461
Replies: 4
Views: 814

live555 error: SETUP of'video/X-ASF-PF' failed 461

live555 error: SETUP of'video/X-ASF-PF' failed 461 Unsupported Transport rtsp streams play fine in 1.0.5 (Goldeneye) and wmplayer. updated using vlc a few days ago to 1.1.7, tried 1.1.8 & 1.2 builds today, and get the above error. get audio, and time bar is normal. i rebooted after installing 1....
by gahbahj
23 Aug 2006 07:18
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: rtmp streaming flv
Replies: 4
Views: 5036

i looked at red5 site and its a server application from what i saw. can you spoonfeed me a bit? is there a player part that can play an rtmp stream from its URL [this isnt hard to find] so i dont have to put up with the other junk on the web page? there are no players i have found that recognize/han...
by gahbahj
23 Aug 2006 07:00
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: dynamic menu/slider/etc hiding
Replies: 3
Views: 761

thanks for your response - i already have the box u mention checked, and it applies only in full screen for me. something less than full always has some interface remaining - at minimum the title bar, whether skin1 or skin2. to see what i'm talking about i guess u might have to see mpclassic which i...
by gahbahj
21 Aug 2006 01:47
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: dynamic menu/slider/etc hiding
Replies: 3
Views: 761

dynamic menu/slider/etc hiding

i searched and found out how to get video windows to open with only title bar by default - but this setup requires restarting vlc, and appears to work only for local files associated with vlc, not something like an mms stream. is there a command, interface or skin that is able to hide interface elem...

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