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by dieten
15 Aug 2013 21:18
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Has mp4a (aac) audio support been dropped in 2.0.7?
Replies: 10
Views: 18552

Re: Has mp4a (aac) audio support been dropped in 2.0.7?

Add the --avcodec-strict option to -2 (I don't remember the exact name).
the ffmpeg stictness can be put to 2 under precerences (all) encoders, videocodec under ffmpeg, but it does not change anything to the results: no AAC encoder !!
by dieten
15 Aug 2013 20:49
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: convert to MP4 (audio AAC) : cannot open encoder
Replies: 3
Views: 1198

Re: convert to MP4 (audio AAC) : cannot open encoder

No use to instal the 2.0.5 version-Nor the 64 nor the 32 version does work for AAC either (is the installer on the FTP server another one than thew original because of license problems about the AAC encoder ????
by dieten
15 Aug 2013 20:47
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Has mp4a (aac) audio support been dropped in 2.0.7?
Replies: 10
Views: 18552

Re: Has mp4a (aac) audio support been dropped in 2.0.7?

Who translate this debug instructions for simple users . I can put the value of strictness to "2" but what else schould I do . It does not work anyway (returning to 2.0.5 doesn't solve anything either (is the installer on the FTP server another one than thew original because of license pro...

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