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by steinhak
04 Jun 2014 18:15
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Sout=display not working under windows
Replies: 0
Views: 241

Sout=display not working under windows

Hi all. I'm writing a benchmark tool for video decoding and transcoding using python and vlc as subprocesses. I found out that trivial line vlc URL -I dummy --sout='#duplicate{dst=display,dst=http{mux=ts,dst=}}' --loop Is working as expected under linux, but does not under windows: no ...
by steinhak
05 May 2014 19:15
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Sout to a series of files without restarting vlc
Replies: 0
Views: 334

Sout to a series of files without restarting vlc

Hi, We are developing a ip video recording solution based on the vlc player. Right now I'm faced with a task of writing a python script that does: 1) Establish connection to a network stream. 2) Write a series of short temporary files (10 to 30 seconds long) with no gaps from one another without dis...
by steinhak
23 Dec 2013 18:25
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Delphi libvlc multi threaded troubles
Replies: 1
Views: 504

Delphi libvlc multi threaded troubles

HI! We've developed a video surveillance application written in delphi which uses libvlc and multiple player instances for video decoding. We also use vlc's vlm for video stream distribution from ip cameras (rstp input ---> http output (sometimes with transcoding from h264 to mjpeg). Everything work...
by steinhak
27 Nov 2013 17:00
Forum: VLM
Topic: VLM marq-marquee multiple streams segfault.
Replies: 1
Views: 1672

VLM marq-marquee multiple streams segfault.

Hi, I am using vlm to transcode and broadcast a number of ip cams. Those cams cannot show a timestamp on video stream, so I thought of using vlc marq filter. The example is: setup cam101 input "rtsp://" setup cam101 output #duplicate{dst=http{mux=ts,dst=:8090/cam101}...
by steinhak
25 Oct 2013 17:56
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC performance for multiple HD streams
Replies: 9
Views: 1877

Re: VLC performance for multiple HD streams

Hi again. The problem has stood up to us once again, so I have to be persistent at this point. Sorry, if I'm being annoying as well. Please, take some time to answer my question: 1) Are there any software-based options to speed up h264 decoding at the cost of video quality, resolution or framerate? ...
by steinhak
09 Oct 2013 21:41
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC performance for multiple HD streams
Replies: 9
Views: 1877

Re: VLC performance for multiple HD streams

So once again... 1) Are there any software-based options to speed up h264 decoding at the cost of video quality, resolution or framerate? I am looking for console-line options and the way to implement them in vlm.conf 2) How can I utilise hardware decoding in practice? When I use vlc player with --f...
by steinhak
09 Oct 2013 00:26
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC performance for multiple HD streams
Replies: 9
Views: 1877

Re: VLC performance for multiple HD streams

I use h264 > scale 0.5 mjpeg chain. So the main cost is decoding h264...
by steinhak
09 Oct 2013 00:19
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC performance for multiple HD streams
Replies: 9
Views: 1877

Re: VLC performance for multiple HD streams

yes. and that's the main performance impact. if just distribute the stream- everything goes on minimal cpu

The point of transcoding is to provide one good stream for fullscreen video and a lighter one for big matrixes and smaller windows (4X4 or less)
by steinhak
08 Oct 2013 06:10
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC performance for multiple HD streams
Replies: 9
Views: 1877

VLC performance for multiple HD streams

Hi, We are using vlc for CCTV solution on both client side and server side. It is great for the most cases, but some ip cams provide only one HD stream for viewing. Although the bitrate is rather low, the number of channels can be up to 36+. The other question is that we don't need the best quality ...
by steinhak
04 May 2013 08:12
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Access http Read error: connection reset by peer.
Replies: 2
Views: 1474

Re: Access http Read error: connection reset by peer.

Well, why isn't it a problem under windows? Wget also works just fine...
by steinhak
04 May 2013 06:01
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Access http Read error: connection reset by peer.
Replies: 2
Views: 1474

Access http Read error: connection reset by peer.

Hello everyone. I am using vlc 2.0.6 as a ip camera distributor in headless opensuse 12.3. My ip camera brand is Arecont vision and vlc is doing it's job flawlessly with h264 rtsp streams. But when I an trying to catch and distribute an continious mjpeg http stream I get a [0x7fec50001398] main acce...

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