If i set "hardware-accelerated decoding" to automatic , then VLC crashes. If i set it to None , it works and plays the file without error, for the file types i described. So, there is some issue with hardware-accelerated decoding under Windows XP with VLC VLC 2.1.0-git-20130402-1129 Rincew...
Problem fixed Erwan10, in this build (vlc-2.1.0-git-20130402-1129-win32) the .wsz winamp skins works great again, all windows visible. Another success for the development team !, congratulations !.
OK, but only have trouble with the same main windows in all skins, it's curious, the rest of the skin (equalizer, playlist, buttons) shows OK, and they are also .bmp files. Maybe it's something with the name used to refer to the main. Take a look to the examples: http://s21.postimg.org/qbp6whqzr/Bug...
Excellent Erwan10 !, now with last 2.1.0 is possible to see "now playing...(artist & title)", not only in radio streaming, also with audio files. Great job !, thanks to the development team !.
Very clear Erwan10, so no chance by now. Thanks so much. I will keep using VLC and will report if i find some other issue. Thank you again. Great job all of you are doing
Revive this topic. I have been playing with some VLC skins and also with .wsz winamp skins. I have downloaded some nice .wsz skins and put them in a folder. When in custom skin mode, VLC can't see the .wsz files browsing from interface --> open skin .. , and it only shows *.vlt files only, and not *...
Still no luck. I have installed last dev branch 2.1.0, and same result. With native skin everything is alright, and have new features, i like them. But with the skinned mode not showing artist and title playing streaming radio. Only shows the station name, but no info " Now playing ... ". ...
I'm having same issue listening to radios streaming. With native skin everything shows OK (artist & title), but in the skin mode, when listening to shoutcast stations, i cannot get the artist & title of the stream. I have tried with some of the skins available. I will detail the conditions: ...