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23 Jan 2013 23:34
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: streaming to vlc plugin
Replies: 0
Views: 845

streaming to vlc plugin

This is my first post so I may be in the wrong area and this topic may well of been covered (i have searched the forum and have not came across it) so apologies if it is. i´ve got some doubts : i´m neophyte in vlc stuff. i sucessfully established the stream from my cable tv to my pc, by reading in f...
21 Jan 2013 19:27
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: streaming on webpage using VLC?
Replies: 26
Views: 8759

Re: streaming on webpage using VLC?

i´ve got some doubts : i´m neophyte in vlc stuff. i sucessfully established the stream from my cable tv to my pc, by reading in forums in, using mms:// ip lan number:door. i have a blog for testing streaming in vlc, in order to verify it it works. In my blog (in the blogger) i put the v...

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