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by Alex67
24 Jan 2013 05:06
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?
Replies: 5
Views: 939

Re: Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?

Hi! This log is a two attempts to open stream from dvbdream. 1st - type "udp://", 2nd - type "" --------- beginning of /dev/log/main E/audio_hw_primary( 1092): start_output_stream() persist.sys.spdif_setting= D/audio_hw_primary( 1092): p...
by Alex67
23 Jan 2013 06:03
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?
Replies: 5
Views: 939

Re: Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?

Ok. But i need a some time for this.
by Alex67
22 Jan 2013 05:25
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?
Replies: 5
Views: 939

Re: Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?

No logs.... From "Normally, when VLC for Android crashes it will leave behind a vlc_logcat_<date and some numbers>.log file in your SD card's root." In my case, VLC no crash, he just does not open the stream.... STOP!!! In "Open stream&quo...
by Alex67
21 Jan 2013 09:31
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?
Replies: 5
Views: 939

Can VLC for Android to play stream from DVBream?

Hi! My question is in the subject header. The VLC for Windows is able. In the VLC for Android, I could not do it. Need help, please ;) My home LAN is: 1) PC #1, : AMD AXP 3600+, Win7Pro, ip Streaming source in this PC: -Compro Vista E800F, streaming software - iuVCS+ASF DirectWriter. ...

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