For testing: choose "last illusion" from Freeplaymusic site. Also other MP3s let VLC to crash. VLC closes itself after loading the mp3 file. Platform: Windows XP SP3, 4Gb RAM, HD 1Tb, Asrock Motherboard with integrated audio board, VLC 2.08 (the mp3 file choosen above opens in the VLC 2.0....
Your method works, of course, but it opens another VLC instance. I should close the previous one manually. If I don't stop the music, two MP3s will be played simultanously.
Hi everybody, I'm new here and sorry if I can post a question already sent by someone else. Each time I double click on an MP3 file (or I open with "open with -> VLC") and I don't close VLC, the file is added to the playlist, so after VLC played it, starts to play older files again. How to...