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by VLCuser99
19 Dec 2012 23:48
Forum: VLM
Topic: Help setting up VOD
Replies: 1
Views: 1949

Re: Help setting up VOD

Okay, apparently my setup wasn't quite correct. I have corrected what I found, but it still won't work: new VLC server start command: vlc -vvv --color --vlm-conf VLMDEMO.conf -I telnet --telnet-password videolan --rtsp-host --rtsp-port 554 new call from client rtsp:// Here's th...
by VLCuser99
17 Dec 2012 20:41
Forum: VLM
Topic: Help setting up VOD
Replies: 1
Views: 1949

Help setting up VOD

Hi all, I have read the documentation, the wiki pages and a good part of this sub forum, but I still can't get VOD to work on my network. I tried a very simple setup, but apparently I'm doing something very wrong: - I started VLC with one or the other command line code that I found - I provided a VL...

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