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by davidsun
22 Dec 2012 05:36
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Better code implementation
Replies: 3
Views: 579

Re: Better code implementation

I don't see the point. Even if you create an interface, you could still accidentally update the Java interface without updating the JNI, so this is pointless IMO. The point is, if interfaces are created, all the reverse JNI calls are in one place. It's much more easier to manage, and can greatly re...
by davidsun
16 Dec 2012 04:10
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Better code implementation
Replies: 3
Views: 579

Better code implementation

I've found that in the source code of VLC, the JNI calls are clearly defined (by "native" keyword), while the reverse JNI calls are not clearly defined. For example, on line 232 of libvlcjni.c, this call is not well defined in Java (if someone mistakenly change the code of that Activity, s...
by davidsun
16 Dec 2012 04:01
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: [Help]vlc can not get the current time for playing m3u8 file
Replies: 4
Views: 613

M3U8 format not fully supported

I've found that VLC does not work well with M3U8, for example, following address ... video.m3u8
works well on iOS video players, with dragging enabled. On VLC-Android, dragging is disabled.

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