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by dvjrickkraft
19 Apr 2013 00:28
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: [Extension] Time
Replies: 85
Views: 272888

Re: VLC extension: Time

As I'm a video DJ, I needed exactly this to try to guesstimate my new mix I'm making. Thanks so much for your time, and it saved me lots! Cheers! :D
by dvjrickkraft
19 Apr 2013 00:18
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Playlist Total Play-length time (ascending/descending)
Replies: 11
Views: 19416

Re: Playlist Total Play-length time (ascending/descending)

Ticket 4252 which addressed this feature request has been closed and added to release 2.1, but that has been struck through. I'm hoping that this very useful feature is still on the menu! Thank you devs for caring about your users, and taking your time to help them! :)
by dvjrickkraft
19 Apr 2013 00:12
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: How to see the total playtime for a playlist?
Replies: 6
Views: 1913

Re: How to see the total playtime for a playlist?

Although the ticket #4252 has been closed, it had been added to the features of version 2.1, which has been crossed out on the ticket. So, I'm hoping this feature will be coming out in a future release? I'm a video DJ and VLC is the main program I use to sell my services, and plan out my mixes. This...
by dvjrickkraft
11 Nov 2012 21:55
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Create/Save/Load an equalizer setting file
Replies: 52
Views: 44758

Re: Create/Save/Load an equalizer setting file

+1 for a save EQ settings feature! Thanks guys for listening to your users :)

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