Do you think this issue will be resolved in 2.1.0?
2.0.6 fixed a couple of issues with the activex plug in that would benefit me but the issues outlined in this thread previously have prevented me from upgrading.
I was wondering if anyone who has seen this topic has any insight? I still have not found a way in VLC to find my position in the playlist which is an issue for me. If anyone can help this would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, I have been working in Delphi XE3 using the VLC activex plug-in and was wondering if there is a way to do a couple of things. 1) Is there a way to get the index of where you currently are in the playlist, I am using the vlc2 plugin and there does not seem to be although there does seem to be ...
Hello, I have been working in Delphi XE3 using the VLC activex plug-in and have encountered a problem when I attempt to remove an item from the playlist using VLC.playlist.items.remove(IDNumber); When I add an item to the playlist I store in an array of records its id number from the add command as ...