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by videolan0019
01 May 2007 00:57
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: full screen when always on top
Replies: 3
Views: 1442

full screen when always on top


It would be great if when in always on top mode, if I go to full screen, the empty little window wouldn't remain ....

And if when I clicked on the time-line, it would jump where i clicked, instead of jumping chucks ...

by videolan0019
21 Apr 2007 23:50
Forum: Skins
Topic: default skin problem
Replies: 7
Views: 3519

The problem with the skinned interface is that it doesn't go passed 200% volume at sound.
by videolan0019
21 Apr 2007 23:49
Forum: Skins
Topic: default skin problem
Replies: 7
Views: 3519

And when will 0.9.0 be out ?
by videolan0019
21 Apr 2007 16:52
Forum: Skins
Topic: default skin problem
Replies: 7
Views: 3519

I mean the skin that appears after I first install VLC. And let me rephrase the question without the typos:

How can I make it so that when I click on the time-line, it jumps to the position where I clicked instead of just jumping chunks of 1:14 seconds ?

by videolan0019
20 Apr 2007 22:15
Forum: Skins
Topic: default skin problem
Replies: 7
Views: 3519

default skin problem

Hello! I have installed 0.8.6b and i want to ask you about something that bugs me for a while now ... I'm the default skin interface and when I try to jump to another part of the video by clicking the time-line bar ... it doesn't jump where I click ... it just jumps chunks of it ... Can I modify ? I...
by videolan0019
25 Jun 2006 11:56
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: No subtitle
Replies: 8
Views: 2721

No subtitle

Hello! I can't get the player to recognize my subtitles. They have the same name as the avi, but the subtitle menu doesn't appear on the video menu. And rarelly, when it does (dunno why) and i select the track, a line appers, and than nothing. I don't use any fancy subs, the usual: .sub, .srt. Help?...

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