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by jhinkle
18 Oct 2012 16:01
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc mp4 to wav - can I do it this way
Replies: 3
Views: 810

Re: libvlc mp4 to wav - can I do it this way


I have a solution in place.

I would still like to figure out why smem fails.
by jhinkle
18 Oct 2012 14:07
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc mp4 to wav - can I do it this way
Replies: 3
Views: 810

Re: libvlc mp4 to wav - can I do it this way

I am starting to figure out how to find documentation. I found libvlc_media_player_is_playing(pMediaPlayer_) and it does what I need to determine when the player is done. I found that I had to put a Sleep delay after calling PLAY - if not the player returned 0 - race condition. Is there a better way...
by jhinkle
18 Oct 2012 13:51
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc mp4 to wav - can I do it this way
Replies: 3
Views: 810

libvlc mp4 to wav - can I do it this way

Since I completely dead in the water getting smem working - I'm looking for alternatives. I need to extract audio from mp4 and produce a WAV or PCM file - hence my interest in smem in another post I found this on the WiKi vlc -I dummy -vvv "input.mp3" --sout=#transcode{acodec=s16l,channels...
by jhinkle
18 Oct 2012 12:57
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc 2.0 smem audio
Replies: 15
Views: 4839

Re: libvlc 2.0 smem audio

Based on my previous post on acodec s16l I replaced the smem arg line from sprintf(smem_options, "#transcode{acodec=s16l}:smem{audio-postrender-callback=%lld,audio-prerender-callback=%lld}", to sprintf(smem_options, "#transcode{acodec=s16l,channels=2,ab=128,samplerate=44100}:smem{audi...
by jhinkle
18 Oct 2012 12:47
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc 2.0 smem audio
Replies: 15
Views: 4839

Re: libvlc 2.0 smem audio

Since I can't debug the library - I attempted to debug the log file. As I stated earlier, my application works great without the addition of the additional command line argument of "--sout", smem_options the creation of libvlc_new. I found that libvlc takes two different paths with the aud...
by jhinkle
18 Oct 2012 06:13
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc 2.0 smem audio
Replies: 15
Views: 4839

Re: libvlc 2.0 smem audio

If there is an expert - please take a look. The implementation is right out of the Wiki. Does that mean the Wiki example on smem is incorrect. This post has gone a whole day without a comment. I develop using VS2010 - so I don't have the tools chain to compile libvlc directly and then walk a debugge...
by jhinkle
17 Oct 2012 15:06
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc 2.0 smem audio
Replies: 15
Views: 4839

Re: libvlc 2.0 smem audio

I captured the logger info --- last important part below: [00b99030] main input debug: Stream buffering done (400 ms in 14 ms) [00bd9098] stream_out_transcode stream out debug: creating audio transcoding fro m fcc=`mp4a' to fcc=`s16l' [05862b08] main generic debug: looking for decoder module: 31 can...
by jhinkle
17 Oct 2012 14:28
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc 2.0 smem audio
Replies: 15
Views: 4839

libvlc 2.0 smem audio

Alex Skoruppa was nice enough to post a libvlc project on I've compiled it and it works great. I wanted to use it as a test bed to see how I could get access to PCM audio data - I need the pcm audi...

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