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by MLStrand56
04 Oct 2012 20:12
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC + .mp4
Replies: 3
Views: 1205

Re: VLC + .mp4

I'm not sure if the .mp4 vids are good or not. Can't tell until I can play them. I assume the files are good, because I have a bunch of them & None of them will play. If some of the vids. were bad, I'd expect to see some kind of popup saying that the file was corrupted. Not getting that. They ju...
by MLStrand56
27 Sep 2012 13:38
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC + .mp4
Replies: 3
Views: 1205

VLC + .mp4

Ref: VLC 2.0.3 Ref: XP SP3 Build 120504-1619 Ref: Dell Latitude C840 laptop, 1Gig RAM I have some DL'ed .mp4 car videos from YouTube that I would like to play. When I tell VLC to play Any .mp4 file, the player displays the 1st. frame(?) of the vid, then freezes. I thought that VLC could natively pla...

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