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by yalee104
10 Aug 2012 13:09
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: MobileVLC iOS broken with NEON enabled
Replies: 4
Views: 1778

Re: MobileVLC iOS broken with NEON enabled

Hi Jean, Will someone (Developer) from VideoLan fix the broken compilation of MobileVLC? I believe most user is not an expert on low level assembly code fixing.... I believe it's maintained by VideoLan no? otherwise it will always remain broken... PS. If its related to my environment setting i can u...
by yalee104
10 Aug 2012 06:38
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: MobileVLC iOS broken with NEON enabled
Replies: 4
Views: 1778

MobileVLC iOS broken with NEON enabled

Hi, With Neon enabled i get the following assembly code compilation error... By the way, there is actually another assembly code error related to complains about relative PC addressing on armv6 aacpsdsp but i disabled armv6 (since i don't need it for old iOS generation devices) in order to get to th...
by yalee104
08 Aug 2012 14:06
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: live555 patch failed with VLC 1.1.0 iOS
Replies: 1
Views: 539

live555 patch failed with VLC 1.1.0 iOS

Hi, I'm building contrib of VLC 1.1.0 for iOS and i meet this problem where patch failed on the live555-latest.tar.gz source... I'm using Mac OS 10.7.4 and iOS platform SDK 5.1... Does anyone know to resolve this issue? thanks in advance.. Output error log as shown below: rm -rf live || true gunzip ...

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