I studied that libVLC.setVolume() can only increase the volume,but can't decrease,I've tried libVLC.setVolume(0),-1,-100,the volume doesn't change very much.
Most of my video files on sdcard are often deleted, but other type files are ok. I'm not sure what applicaton does or other reason. Anybody face the same problem?
Meet new problem:can not change spu track just after readmedia(),if run mLibVLC.setSpuTrack(mLibVLC.getSpuTracksCount()) immediately after readmedia(),the video/audio will not play as normal,it means we can not disable SPU from when start play a new media.
If I get the time immediately after set,but most of time the result is 0,how can I work around this? lastTime = preferences.getLong(PreferencesActivity.LAST_TIME, 0); mLibVLC.setTime(lastTime); long newtime=mLibVLC.getTime(); Here,I need to get the new time for future using,lastTime is not suitable.