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by gruvytune
02 Jun 2022 01:41
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Trying to convert video Source file won't open error
Replies: 1
Views: 131

Trying to convert video Source file won't open error

Hello tr ying to convert .webm video file to mp4 and I get an error saying the source file can't be opened. says to see the log file and I can't fine that log file. Does anyone know where that gets stored to? The source file opens and plays normally in vlc player The video is a movie that I download...
by gruvytune
09 Dec 2012 23:38
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: .m4a playback issues
Replies: 5
Views: 7941

Re: .m4a playback issues

i am also finding can't play m4a files 16 or 24bit in vlc without hearing distortion and noise.
if i convert to flac in dbpoweramp they play fine
foobar is the only thing aside from quicktime and itunes that play them
the alac codec in vlc is a problem i believe
by gruvytune
09 Dec 2012 23:36
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Flac and static on left side
Replies: 3
Views: 544

Re: Flac and static on left side

I'm having the same thing now with VLC and ALAC/m4a files. Noise, static and distortion. Can't figure out why. I reinstalled still same thing. foobar is the only thing that plays them without distortion funny thing is that if i convert to 24 bit flac using dbpoweramp they play fine so i imagine the ...

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