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by Mateja
26 Jun 2006 12:28
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: IGMP membership reports
Replies: 5
Views: 3124

Yes, WindowsXP and Win2K3 Server use IGMP v3 and I do not use another operative systems, but I think you are rigth.

windowsXP sends out IGMP reports when VLC joins or leaves a multicast group.
by Mateja
26 Jun 2006 10:06
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: IGMP membership reports
Replies: 5
Views: 3124

Yes, you are rigth.

My problem was that TTL field is 1 by default so the video stream was not able to cross the router. I was wrong and I believed the problem was IGMP protocol.

Thanks for your reply.
by Mateja
20 Jun 2006 17:05
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: IGMP membership reports
Replies: 5
Views: 3124

IGMP membership reports

Hi all: VLC Media Player doesn`t send IGMP Membership reports when I am streaming multicast video. So that my multicast router is not able to forward multicast traffic (I use Windows server 2003 within two ethernet cards). But when I am listenning for video streaming VLC sends IGMP Membership report...
by Mateja
15 Jun 2006 16:25
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: To change frames per second rate
Replies: 1
Views: 1106

To change frames per second rate


When i stream multicast video from VLC I only can configure the codec, the bitrate and the scale(image size)... What about frames per second????

It seems that VLC always transmits 30 fps.

how can i change this frame rate?

Thanks in advanced.
by Mateja
09 Jun 2006 13:28
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: To receive several multicast videostreams
Replies: 1
Views: 773

To receive several multicast videostreams

Hi, I want to receive several multicast streams with VLC Media Player. I send several videostreams from several PCs with Media Player in the same multicast group: In the recipient I only receive one stream or sometimes changes applications like vic (MBone) all the strea...

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