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by inducer
18 Jul 2012 22:53
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Accept audio/x-wav
Replies: 3
Views: 565

Re: Accept audio/x-wav

When I try to open one of these voice mails, K-9 mail pops up a very specific error message: "Unable to find viewer for audio/x-wav". I see that you're accepting audio/* here:;a=blob;f=vlc-android/AndroidManifest.xml;h=d17a288c1783136e232ef1...
by inducer
13 Jul 2012 04:19
Forum: VLC for Android and Chrome OS
Topic: Accept audio/x-wav
Replies: 3
Views: 565

Accept audio/x-wav

Hi there,

it'd be great if videolan were able to accept the mimetype of audio/x-wav for .wav files--voicemails from arrive with this mimetype, and for now I have to save them, and then open them from a file manager.


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