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by pie.rob
14 May 2012 17:23
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: Altering "time", adding hotkeys via LUA
Replies: 21
Views: 19850

Re: Altering "time", adding hotkeys via LUA


Thanks for this information! I knew there must be some novice mistakes in there somewhere ;). I will examine your code and links and see if I can get this working.
by pie.rob
09 May 2012 19:45
Forum: Scripting VLC in lua
Topic: Altering "time", adding hotkeys via LUA
Replies: 21
Views: 19850

Altering "time", adding hotkeys via LUA

Hello all, I am a novice, but I have been attempting to write an LUA script which will get the current video's time, subtract .0416 (roughly 1/24 of a second to simulate backing up a frame), and move the playback to the new time. For a few days I have been working at this end with no success! I do n...

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