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by CaptainRuvim
17 Jun 2013 00:22
Forum: Coffee Corner
Topic: Programming
Replies: 1
Views: 513


where should i start for learning programming ?
C ? C++ ? java ?

i would want to later contribute towards the project afterwards
by CaptainRuvim
07 Apr 2012 05:58
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: VLC own file extession ??
Replies: 1
Views: 385

VLC own file extession ??

Would you professionals from vlc be able to create your own file extension like .avi .rmvb .mpg etc from kgb archiver core engine infused with vlc player which would make vlc video file extensions way smaller then any known to man. since the core files would be compressed ofc only newer computer wou...

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