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by UltraMagnotronVLC
09 Apr 2012 20:17
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: No Subtitles with MPEG Video?
Replies: 1
Views: 679

No Subtitles with MPEG Video?

Hello, Is there a reason VLC Media Player will not display subtitles for MPEG-TS encoded video files? I usually rip all of my DVDs as MPEPGs and since I can't view any subtitles on them, I'm kind of disappointed. Will this be fixed in the future? Other media players have no trouble loading subtitles...
by UltraMagnotronVLC
04 Apr 2012 18:28
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: My Subtitles are not Loading
Replies: 1
Views: 168

My Subtitles are not Loading

I have been creating subtitles for DVDs and other video files for weeks now, and just this morning the subtitles I have created suddenly quit working. My case is a very odd one, in that they will function perfectly if dragged and dropped onto a DVD but will not work when dragged and dropped into a r...

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