Yes, you're right. I've try to replace the button "-" which have the function vlc.minimize() by vlc.maximun() and this don't work
I don't know the WindowsID but i think it's the same for the fullscreen and mimize and maximun.
With my vlc skin i can't enlarge the windows (maxize vlc), somebody know how can i add this fonctionnality ? I have tried vlc.maximize but it's hide my button
This is the skin that i use (an edited version of a skin found in deviantArt)
Hi VLC_Help,
Nobody can tell me if it's a good idea, bad idea, if this functionnality is already present, an alternative plugin or else.
I don't ask a miracle, but just an impression not to request in a vacuum.
With mpc hc + madVR : With vlc 2.0 : I use the print screen and paint for the screenshot because madVR doesn't support the screenshot fonctionality. I prefer the madVR subtitle, could you improve...
I'm agree with maktaduai, the quality of madVR is the best for me. The subtitle in avi video is more visible too.
The new version of VLC is impresive, support 10bits but still lag on my portable pc. I use SMPlayer actualy because the fluidity is better.