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by Mondo
19 Apr 2004 04:20
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: vlc on Familiar linux
Replies: 0
Views: 846

vlc on Familiar linux

Hi! I see below on the vlc web site: It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network. Can Vlc be used as a server to stream files on Falimilar linux? Does it have the same GUI like win32 version one? I decided to buy an iPAQ pda with fami...
by Mondo
12 Apr 2004 04:13
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: compile vlc on wince
Replies: 1
Views: 1081

compile vlc on wince

Does VLC works on WINCE platform? I am looking for a stream server that can send stream from ppc, I hope VLC does!
thanks for answering my question :D
by Mondo
12 Apr 2004 03:17
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: Compile error on PPC/Linux: what am I forgetting?
Replies: 5
Views: 2453

Nix that last reply, I got it to compile. had to add -L/(ffmpegdir)/libavcodec/libpostproc -lpostproc to the vlc.config file -Andy Hi Andy! I am trying to compile VLC on my ppc.too. Would you please tell me what to do? I download the source code of VLC and open the "vcw" in "EVC"...
by Mondo
11 Apr 2004 12:45
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: aboult the Vlc compliling..
Replies: 1
Views: 591

aboult the Vlc compliling..

Dear sirs: Recently I've tried to compile the souce code of VLC in EVC( Embeded visual C++ 3.0), but it shows many ".h" files not found. I can't build the dsw in the folder "EVC" from source code package at all. I would like to use VLC on my pocket pc,could someone tell me how to...

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