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by Tomi Toivio
10 Oct 2011 10:03
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: VLC on VALO-CD and FLOSS Manuals
Replies: 2
Views: 1680

Re: VLC on VALO-CD and FLOSS Manuals

The screenshots are very very old.
And the latest version is not 1.1.8

And the manual is out of date :D
All right, thanks for the feedback!

The manual is done in FLOSS Manuals and can be updated there:

But we'll try to fix the other things ASAP!
by Tomi Toivio
30 Sep 2011 11:55
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: VLC on VALO-CD and FLOSS Manuals
Replies: 2
Views: 1680

VLC on VALO-CD and FLOSS Manuals

I was looking for feedback on an Open Source CD distribution project. This distribution is VALO-CD and has been available in Finnish for several years now. The latest version is the first English version. VLC is included on the English version of the VALO-CD collection of open source software for Wi...

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