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by redfield
28 Sep 2011 18:32
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Mp4 to H264 streaming issue
Replies: 1
Views: 968

Mp4 to H264 streaming issue

Hello all - I have a test I'm trying to perform using command-line VLC that I'm befuddled by - I've scoured this site and others looking for a solution but I've found nothing so far. Here is my issue (FYI, I posted an issue similar to this last week, but due to my lack of knowledge it was vague and ...
by redfield
23 Sep 2011 21:48
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Video Streaming/Encoding Issue (I'm new to this)
Replies: 4
Views: 1127

Re: Video Streaming/Encoding Issue (I'm new to this)

From what I understand, the video conversion part is really taxing on the machine that does this currently, so the idea was to seperate the video conversion out onto its own VM, as the VM that initially sends the stream and the VM that ultimately displays it both do other things. The intent of the v...
by redfield
22 Sep 2011 18:08
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Video Streaming/Encoding Issue (I'm new to this)
Replies: 4
Views: 1127

Video Streaming/Encoding Issue (I'm new to this)

Hello everyone - I have a business need to do some streaming/encoding via VLC, and I was hoping I could get some insight on what I need to do from the pros. Please excuse any vagueness that may be apparent in my questions, as I'm not entirely comfortable with the specifics of what I'm talking about....

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