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by luky37
14 Nov 2012 08:31
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Needs RTMP support
Replies: 22
Views: 24036

Re: Needs RTMP support

Ok, I see what I can do, thanks.
by luky37
14 Nov 2012 01:27
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Needs RTMP support
Replies: 22
Views: 24036

Re: Needs RTMP support

I was looking in the vlc-devel archive for hints on how to do this. What I found is: there was a patch posted back in October 2011, for output RTMP streams via "#standard{access=avio,mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=rtmp:/hostname/path}", but it doesn't seem like this has been accepted [1] In June ...
by luky37
13 Nov 2012 23:52
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Needs RTMP support
Replies: 22
Views: 24036

Re: Needs RTMP support

I tried standard{access=avio,mux=flv,dst=}, still nothing: main debug: using sout chain=`standard{access=avio,mux=flv,dst=}' main debug: stream=`standard' main debug: looking for sout stream module matching "standard": 20 candidates main debug: set config option: sout-sta...
by luky37
13 Nov 2012 01:43
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Needs RTMP support
Replies: 22
Views: 24036

Re: Needs RTMP support

"#standard{access=avio,mux=flv,dst=}" main debug: using sout chain=`standard{access=avio,mux=flv,dst=}' main debug: stream=`standard' main debug: looking for sout stream module matching "standard": 20 candidates main debug: set config option: sout-standard-acces...
by luky37
12 Nov 2012 18:51
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Needs RTMP support
Replies: 22
Views: 24036

Re: Needs RTMP support

The second case ("#standard{access=rtmp,mux=flv,dst=}"), leads to: qt4 debug: Using a general info windows avcodec error: Failed to open rtmp:// main debug: no sout access modules matched stream_out_standard error: no suitable sout access module for `rtmp/flv://rtmp://10....
by luky37
12 Nov 2012 01:28
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Needs RTMP support
Replies: 22
Views: 24036

Re: Needs RTMP support

So the VLC nightlies are reading RTMP stream correctly, with vlc rtmp://<rtmp-url> I'm currently looking into RTMP output ... I tried things like vlc input_stream --sout "#standard{access=rtmp,dst=}" and vlc input_stream --sout "#standard{access=rtmp,mux=flv,dst=}&qu...
by luky37
03 Aug 2011 18:41
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Video corruption with hardware acceleration on nVidia+ATI
Replies: 1
Views: 1484

Video corruption with hardware acceleration on nVidia+ATI

Hello, I noticed video corruption when enabling hardware acceleration. I reproduced the issue on different hard and software: Asus EEETOP: Windows 7 SP1 x86 nVidia ION (latest stable driver 275.33) PC: Windows Vista SP2 x64 ATI Radeon HD5870 (latest stable driver 11-7) Reproduced on VLC releases: 1....

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