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by supster
31 Mar 2006 12:28
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Setting VLC as default audio player in IE
Replies: 3
Views: 4798

there is an activex control that comes with VLC: does this allow VLC to play audio files (mp3, wav, aif, FLAC) from within IE? yes - if so, how do you set VLC to be the default audio player you don't need to set VLC as a default player all you need to do is insert the following code in your web pag...
by supster
31 Mar 2006 04:01
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Setting VLC as default audio player in IE
Replies: 3
Views: 4798

Setting VLC as default audio player in IE

ive been searching all over for this, can someone answer these questions: - there is an activex control that comes with VLC: does this allow VLC to play audio files (mp3, wav, aif, FLAC) from within IE? - if so, how do you set VLC to be the default audio player - if either one of these is not the ca...

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