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by Rumko
29 Mar 2006 17:38
Forum: VLM
Topic: Offset in inputted times
Replies: 2
Views: 2473

Ah, so it must be because my machine has the timezone set as CEST?

... but there is no mention of this in the docs (at least I could not find it)
by Rumko
29 Mar 2006 15:10
Forum: VLM
Topic: Offset in inputted times
Replies: 2
Views: 2473

Offset in inputted times

I'm using "VLC media player 0.7.2 Bond" and when I enter schedules in VLM, all the times have a + 1 hours offset. For example if I want to schedule sth at 15:00, when I set a schedule to play at 15:00 VLM enters it as 16:00 (example command: setup sched0 date 2006/3/29-15:00:00 ... but VLM...

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