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by Cybershaolin
25 Apr 2006 23:19
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Can't find encoder error
Replies: 3
Views: 1137

Hmm not much help in here... :(
by Cybershaolin
24 Apr 2006 15:30
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Can't find encoder error
Replies: 3
Views: 1137

OK, well, I found out many other people have the same problem than me here with this issue. My PC is a 1.7 Ghz with 1 GB of RAM and I tried something else this morning. I used AVI Demux to convert my file to a .ts file and surprise it plays correctly with audio-video are very fluid. The problem is t...
by Cybershaolin
24 Apr 2006 05:52
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Can't find encoder error
Replies: 3
Views: 1137

Any idea?
by Cybershaolin
23 Apr 2006 08:53
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Can't find encoder error
Replies: 3
Views: 1137

Can't find encoder error

Using 0.84a, I'm trying to stream and I get this: ffmpeg warning: MPEG1/2 does not support 2997/100 fps (mpeg2video@01546B10) ffmpeg error: cannot open encoder stream_out_transcode error: cannot find encoder ffmpeg debug: ffmpeg codec (MS MPEG-4 Video v3) stopped main debug: unlocking module "f...
by Cybershaolin
22 Apr 2006 23:21
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: ActiveX and Mozilla plugins ?
Replies: 1
Views: 2053

ActiveX and Mozilla plugins ?

How do you know if Mozilla plugin is installed correctly and also how do you know if the Activex is installed correclty on your computer?

I'm using 0.84a and when streaming in HTTP, I only see the vlc cone in my window!

Both were checked and installed when I made my installation...
by Cybershaolin
23 Mar 2006 04:10
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Problem streaming with vlc 0.8.4a
Replies: 7
Views: 2534

Thanks for your answers, I'll continue to look on my side too how I can make this work. I might also try with Bitcontrol another way to achieve this.

I'll keep you posted but it's gonna take a while as I have to finish my tax reports and other stuff.
by Cybershaolin
22 Mar 2006 04:48
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Problem streaming with vlc 0.8.4a
Replies: 7
Views: 2534

AVI files (Divx)
by Cybershaolin
22 Mar 2006 00:35
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Problem streaming with vlc 0.8.4a
Replies: 7
Views: 2534

OK I'm trying to stream from a DreamBox machine which is connected on my local network. This is what I get now by trying the MPEG TS format: (Here are the steps I followed) My DreamBox IP is: My PC IP is : 192.168.189 I tried to achieve this by doing this: 1- File Open Network Stream 2...
by Cybershaolin
21 Mar 2006 21:13
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Problem streaming with vlc 0.8.4a
Replies: 7
Views: 2534

Problem streaming with vlc 0.8.4a

I get no audio-video at all when I try to stream. Any help? This is what I get in the message window: (I would also put my config file but it's quite too big to put here...) main debug: creating new input thread main debug: set input option: http-caching to 1200 main debug: set input option: sout to...

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