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by geoffs
02 Jan 2013 00:20
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Python VLC Bindings Event Example
Replies: 5
Views: 10753

Re: Python VLC Bindings Event Example

You're right that the -1 returned by event_attach is a problem. That's telling you that object doesn't send that event. In the version of libvlc I have, MediaListPlayer only sends EventType.MediaListPlayerNextItemSet. Try using that event. If that doesn't do what you need, or you also want to listen...
by geoffs
12 Apr 2012 20:27
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: libvlc bindings moving to LGPL?
Replies: 3
Views: 539

libvlc bindings moving to LGPL?

Now that libvlc is released under the LGPL, is there an effort to change the license of the python and java bindings? It seems natural that they use the same license as libvlc itself, but everything in their git repos appears to still be GPL:;a=summ...
by geoffs
18 Apr 2011 22:46
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: When is it safe to call libvlc_media_release?
Replies: 3
Views: 900

When is it safe to call libvlc_media_release?

I think I'm missing something about the thread safety of libvlc functions. When is it safe to call libvlc_media_release? Specifically, if I call libvlc_media_player_get_media, then at some point I will need to release the returned media, but there is no locking in libvlc_media_release to protect the...

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