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by dfenwick
13 Jun 2006 07:03
Forum: VLM
Topic: Choppy rtp streams
Replies: 4
Views: 7126

Sorry for the late reply here. Encoding was done on a dual Xeon 3.2 Ghz box. Playback was on a variety of processors including a Pentium 4 3.4 Ghz box, Pentium 3 800 Mhz box, Pentium M notebook computer, Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz box, amongst others. I also played back on the dual Xeon. Like I said in the r...
by dfenwick
18 Feb 2006 07:46
Forum: VLM
Topic: Choppy rtp streams
Replies: 4
Views: 7126

With the help of one of the folks on IRC, I resolved this issue by using the following command for VOD:

new thematrix vod enabled mux mp2t input dvdsimple://c:\media\dvds\the_matrix

The change in mux worked flawlessly.
by dfenwick
13 Feb 2006 06:40
Forum: VLM
Topic: Choppy rtp streams
Replies: 4
Views: 7126

Choppy rtp streams

I've gone around in circles trying to figure out why a standard ripped DVD output is choppy when I start it from a VOD stream. I'm attempting to automate my DVD library. I have roughly 500 DVDs that I've purchased over the past 5 years or so. I have ample server diskspace and power to provide an on-...

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