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by steward
10 Feb 2011 22:12
Forum: Coffee Corner
Topic: Seeking VLC guru/consultant
Replies: 1
Views: 795

Seeking VLC guru/consultant

I think VLC may be what I am looking for, but it seems it may take some days of discovery.
I would be happy to pay for a phone call where I can get the questions out of the way much quicker...
by steward
10 Feb 2011 21:49
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Local player with web-service authorisation
Replies: 3
Views: 362

Re: Local player with web-service authorisation

I know this is almost heresy in open-source land, but I too am forced to consider this option. Our films are not appropriate for distribution via rapidshare, hotfile etc. I am an competent/experienced coder, but not familiar with this kind of application (video playing and streaming) so I wonder wha...

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