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by badbonez
17 Feb 2006 18:38
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Automatically capturing frames every X seconds
Replies: 11
Views: 18411

Oh... :o I see. It's easier than I thought. How do you specify the Image Video Module with command line syntax?

Thanks again.
by badbonez
16 Feb 2006 21:48
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Automatically capturing frames every X seconds
Replies: 11
Views: 18411

OK, I'm back...still confused :? I have been trying to figure out the syntax for the Image module for the past couple few hours, and I know it's probably simple for you but I'm still pretty new. I want to save frames from a video file one every 30 seconds. I've tried :sout #image{format=png,ratio=30...
by badbonez
16 Feb 2006 20:40
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Deinterlacing a transcoded file
Replies: 2
Views: 904

try adding a "d" after deinterlace -> deinterlaced.

should work
Thanks, but that didn't work.
by badbonez
15 Feb 2006 21:30
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Automatically capturing frames every X seconds
Replies: 11
Views: 18411

Thanks DJ, I had looked at that post and I was able to get the help files and print them out. However, I do not know how to integrate the snapshot command into the command line so that it saves the frames. That help file tells me the commands available, but not necessarily how to use them. EDIT: To ...
by badbonez
15 Feb 2006 20:44
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Automatically capturing frames every X seconds
Replies: 11
Views: 18411

Automatically capturing frames every X seconds

Hello, I've done a search and the other posts regarding this did not answer my question. Is there a way I can get the VLC player to take a snapshot say every .5 second and save it in a directory I chose? I know there is the command line parameter --snapshot, but I am very new to this and not familia...
by badbonez
15 Feb 2006 20:05
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Deinterlacing a transcoded file
Replies: 2
Views: 904

Deinterlacing a transcoded file

I have an .avi (uncompressed) video file that I want to transcode to MPG2 but I want to deinterlace it. Here's the Destination Target command line: :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=3072,fps=29.97,ffmpeg-keyint=16,ffmpeg-strict-rc,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,deinterlace}:duplicate{dst=std{ac...
by badbonez
15 Feb 2006 19:31
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding to MPEG-1/2/4 - no video
Replies: 6
Views: 1642

Doh! So looking at that debug text it seemed that there was something wrong with the frames per second that VLC was trying to encode or decode, and I remember reading in a couple posts suggestions to add the transcode-FPS in the command line. So I tried that, and it worked. I just tried MPEG-1 as we...
by badbonez
15 Feb 2006 18:55
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding to MPEG-1/2/4 - no video
Replies: 6
Views: 1642

OK, I figured out the logging, here's a log I have highlighted in RED where I think the encoding breaks down. But I don't understand what it means: -- logger module started -- main debug: creating new input thread main debug: set input option: sout to #transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=2048,scale=1,acodec=mp...
by badbonez
15 Feb 2006 18:48
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding to MPEG-1/2/4 - no video
Replies: 6
Views: 1642

I am using version 0.8.4a. Here is the command line from the destination output: :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=3072,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ps,url="C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My Documents\test2.avi"}} The only message I get under View>M...
by badbonez
10 Feb 2006 03:01
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Can I request the VLC to recognize an additional codec?
Replies: 3
Views: 1494

Ya! I've moved! Please consider this a request to include Media100 decoding. Thanks!
by badbonez
10 Feb 2006 02:51
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding to MPEG-1/2/4 - no video
Replies: 6
Views: 1642

I've done a search on this topc and there are lots of subjects, but I did not see a specific answer. I understand from the docs that VLC only encodes to those encoders that are available freely, so is that why i cannot encode to MPEG-1 or -2? I thought there were free MPEG-2 encoders available...I c...
by badbonez
10 Feb 2006 02:48
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Can I request the VLC to recognize an additional codec?
Replies: 3
Views: 1494

OK, thanks! I don't really understand you about the ActiveX comments, but I guess you are saying that you have to develop VLC to decode specific codes. Which means, no, it cannot read my Media100 files at this time.

And by the way...this is your forum, feel free to move this to requests! :wink:
by badbonez
10 Feb 2006 02:33
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Can I request the VLC to recognize an additional codec?
Replies: 3
Views: 1494

Can I request the VLC to recognize an additional codec?

I use the Media100 on my mac for editing and it came with a decoder (Media 100 codec.qtx) that I installed in my windows XP box so that I could play Media100 files through QuickTime. Is there a way to get VLC to recognize this codec for playback at least? (I installed this in C:\Windows\System32) Th...
by badbonez
08 Feb 2006 20:54
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding to MPEG-1/2/4 - no video
Replies: 6
Views: 1642

Transcoding to MPEG-1/2/4 - no video

I want to transcode a file that was encoded with the VL codec into an MPEG-1or 2 file. When I do that I get the error: ffmpeg error: cannot open encoder stream_out_transcode error: cannot find encoder And then the file only has audio. Same thing happens if I use MPEG-2, or MPEG-4. Where do I find th...

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