I am trying to build vlc using cygwin in XP. I can build the vlc but it requires some dlls to run. Without the dll, it does not run. Could you please tell me whether you are using gcc-3.4 or gcc-3.3? Do you download the contrib or build it by yourself? If you download which one? The win32 installati...
If you are not playing over the network, you can safely ignore my reply. The picture freezes (may be) because the streaming rate is way higher than the server's uploading speed and/or your downloading speed. When you play faster, the streaming rate can be more than two times higher. You can play loc...
I desparately need help to build mozilla plugin. I am building using cygwin. I have followed the procedure posted on videolan developer page. In my case, the "make" fails with linking error (libebml and libmatroska). Then, I downloaded both of them and built the .dll files and put under /u...