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by jam123
05 Jan 2011 10:07
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: UPNP module bug?
Replies: 7
Views: 45690

UPNP module bug?

I couldn't get UPNP browsing to work on one PC, while on another it was working fine... After much debugging I found that it will not work if you have the UPNP module enabled in Playlist->Services Discovery. What happens is the module loads immediately on starting vlc, and seems to work properly in ...
by jam123
05 Jan 2011 10:01
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: UPnP support?
Replies: 7
Views: 9451

Re: UPnP support?

...also try turning off your firewall. :)
by jam123
05 Jan 2011 10:00
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: UPnP support?
Replies: 7
Views: 9451

Re: UPnP support?

Try UNCHECKING upnp in Preferences->Playlist->Services Discovery. Save. Exit and restart vlc. I believe it a bug, see my recent post...

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