How to stream desktop audio 2.0.x

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New Cone
New Cone
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How to stream desktop audio 2.0.x

Postby BobH2 » 02 Apr 2012 19:14

Total novice here....

I see I can use Media, Stream..., Capture Device, Desktop and I can see the "hall of mirrors effect."

How do I access this stream from another PC on the same LAN segment?

Background: We have a public meeting that is broadcast "live" by an outside contractor (Graticus). The meeting is stream live from them via a web dialog they control. The web dialog shows a mini-video and plays audio. Problem is the stream is at the highest broadcast quality and if we fire up more than 2-3 players our Internet connection is saturated.

I want to be able to run the player on one PC and re-broadcast the audio - we don't really need the video but if it is of low quality that is OK.

I assume the Desktop Capture is the way to go but I can't find any documentation on how to access the streaming desktop. The Wiki docs I did find are for version 1 and are not helpful.

So - how do I access a desktop stream from VLS 2.0.x from another PC?

Is there a better alternative to just broadcast the audio playing on one PC to others on the same LAN segment?


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 03 Jul 2012 23:51

Re: How to stream desktop audio 2.0.x

Postby wonderd » 04 Jul 2012 00:01

I am looking for the same thing. Can anyone help us out?

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