[Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

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Big Cone-huna
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[Extension] subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 06 Feb 2012 15:31

Here comes subtitler - a Lua VLC Extension that should be able to display another subtitles (possibly also song lyrics) along with already built-in subtitle system in VLC. You can choose output - subtitles rendered in picture (OSD) and/or independent dialog box window.

[image was here]

Code: Select all

-- File name: "subtitler.lua" -- Extension description function descriptor() return { title = "subtitler" ; version = "0" ; author = "" ; url = 'http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=97791'; shortdesc = "external subtitles displayer"; description = "<b>subtitler</b><hr />" .. "VLC Extension that displays another subtitles."; capabilities = { "input-listener", "meta-listener" } } end -- Activation hook function activate() vlc.msg.dbg("[subtitler] activate") create_dialog() end -- Deactivation hook function deactivate() vlc.msg.dbg("[subtitler] deactivate") end -- Dialog close hook function close() -- Deactivate this extension vlc.msg.dbg("[subtitler] close") vlc.deactivate() end -- Global variables dlg = nil -- Dialog lbl_subtitle = nil -- Label widget btn_start = nil -- Button widget -- Create the dialog function create_dialog() dlg = vlc.dialog("subtitler") --subtitle = dlg:add_label("<center><h1><font face=\"courier\" color=\"red\">The first subtitle row.</font><br />The second subtitle row.</h1></center>", 1, 1, 1, 1) sf1 = "<center style=\"font-family:verdana;font-size:40px;font-weight:bold;color:yellow;background-color:black;\">" -- subtitle format string start sf2 = "</center>" -- subtitle format string end lbl_subtitle = dlg:add_label(sf1.."Countdown.<br />Subtitles sample."..sf2, 1, 1, 3, 1) w2 = dlg:add_text_input("subtitle_file.srt", 1, 2, 2, 1) -- 2. widget w3 = dlg:add_button("Browse...", click_browse, 3, 2, 1, 1) w4 = dlg:add_button("START", click_start,1,3,1,1) -- btn_start w5 = dlg:add_button("REFRESH PREVIEW", click_preview,2,3,1,1) -- btn_preview w6 = dlg:add_button("SAVE", click_save,3,3,1,1) -- btn_save w7 = dlg:add_label("Output:",1,4,1,1) w8 = dlg:add_dropdown(2,4,1,1) -- output w8:add_value("OSD & this", "1") w8:add_value("OSD", "2") w8:add_value("this", "3") w9 = dlg:add_dropdown(3,4,1,1) -- osd_position w9:add_value("OSD top", "1") w9:add_value("OSD center", "2") w9:add_value("OSD bottom", "3") w10 = dlg:add_label("Font encoding:",1,5,1,1) w11 = dlg:add_dropdown(2,5,2,1) -- encode w11:add_value("Central European Windows-1250", "Windows-1250") w11:add_value("Central European ISO-8859-2 (Latin 2)", "ISO-8859-2") w11:add_value("Unicode UTF-8", "UTF-8") w11:add_value("more ...", "more") w12 = dlg:add_label("Font type:",1,6,1,1) w13 = dlg:add_dropdown(2,6,2,1) -- font w13:add_value("Verdana", "verdana") w13:add_value("Arial", "arial") w13:add_value("Courier", "courier") w13:add_value("more ...", "more") w14 = dlg:add_label("Font size [px]:",1,7,1,1) w15 = dlg:add_text_input("40",2,7,1,1) w16 = dlg:add_check_box("bold",true,2,8,1,1) -- font_weight w17 = dlg:add_label("Font color (html standard):",1,9,1,1) w18 = dlg:add_text_input("yellow",2,9,1,1) w19 = dlg:add_label("Background color (html standard - color name or #rrggbb):",1,10,2,1) w20 = dlg:add_text_input("#000000",3,10,1,1) w21 = dlg:add_label("Background type:",1,11,2,1) w22 = dlg:add_dropdown(3,11,1,1) -- bg_type w22:add_value("Solid", "solid") w22:add_value("Outline", "outline") w23 = dlg:add_label("Background size [px]:",1,12,2,1) w24 = dlg:add_text_input("0",3,12,1,1) end function click_start() -- clear the dialog box --[[ how to construct the name of indexed variable? Is it possible to convert a string into variable? for i=2,24,1 do if "w"..i then dlg:del_widget("w"..i) end end --]] if w2 then dlg:del_widget(w2) end if w3 then dlg:del_widget(w3) end if w4 then dlg:del_widget(w4) end if w5 then dlg:del_widget(w5) end if w6 then dlg:del_widget(w6) end if w7 then dlg:del_widget(w7) end if w8 then dlg:del_widget(w8) end if w9 then dlg:del_widget(w9) end if w10 then dlg:del_widget(w10) end if w11 then dlg:del_widget(w11) end if w12 then dlg:del_widget(w12) end if w13 then dlg:del_widget(w13) end if w14 then dlg:del_widget(w14) end if w15 then dlg:del_widget(w15) end if w16 then dlg:del_widget(w16) end if w17 then dlg:del_widget(w17) end if w18 then dlg:del_widget(w18) end if w19 then dlg:del_widget(w19) end if w20 then dlg:del_widget(w20) end if w21 then dlg:del_widget(w21) end if w22 then dlg:del_widget(w22) end if w23 then dlg:del_widget(w23) end if w24 then dlg:del_widget(w24) end w2 = nil w3 = nil w4 = nil w5 = nil w6 = nil w7 = nil w8 = nil w9 = nil w10 = nil w11 = nil w12 = nil w13 = nil w14 = nil w15 = nil w16 = nil w17 = nil w18 = nil w19 = nil w20 = nil w21 = nil w22 = nil w23 = nil w24 = nil if lbl_subtitle then dlg:del_widget(lbl_subtitle) lbl_subtitle = dlg:add_label("",1,1,3,1) end dlg:update() -- countdown as an example of subtitles in action for i=10,1,-1 do lbl_subtitle:set_text(sf1..i..sf2) dlg:update() for j=0,1,.5 do vlc.osd.message(i,channel1) vlc.misc.mwait(vlc.misc.mdate() + 500000) end dlg:del_widget(lbl_subtitle) lbl_subtitle = dlg:add_label("",1,1,3,1) dlg:update() vlc.osd.message("",channel1) vlc.misc.mwait(vlc.misc.mdate() + 1000000) end lbl_subtitle:set_text(sf1.."& Press the button<br />to repeat the countdown :o)"..sf2) w2 = dlg:add_button("START", click_start, 1, 2, 1, 1) end function click_preview() end function click_save() end function click_browse() end
However, this extension is meant as an idea for VLC developers to develop a similar fully-featured VLC-internal subtitle interface for the second (or more) independent subtitles that is not possible to do using Lua script:
- transparent (invisible) window frame of dialog box of running subtitles
- font encoding (charset, code page)
- font format - proper solid/outline
- graphical color palettes to choose or mix desired font/background colors
- immediate automatic visual changes of preview sample =>
- to replace "Refresh preview" button by "Load defaults" button to load initial default settings or to copy settings from internal subtitles.

I will try to make the working Lua extension but really I am not sure about the usable result because of limitations of Lua VLC scripting. If I learn how to I will do the following:
- to load settings from external configuration file or to load defaults settings if the configuration file does not exist
- to save (the "Save" button) new settings in configuration file
- after start (the "Start" button) to open a subtitles text file (srt) and to parse it - arrays (start time, stop time, subtitle text)
- to think out an algorithm to display subtitles in right times - show/hide. I am thinking of checking and comparing times in certain rate - check rate - every 1/2 second to compare actual playback position with subtitle times stored in array variables.
- font encoding?
- scripting speed can be critical.

If there is a similar script already available that I do not know about please let me know so I do not waste a time.
And if you find these ideas useful your help is welcome and needed - advice, tips, algorithms or straight a working result :)
Last edited by mederi on 18 Feb 2012 10:41, edited 1 time in total.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 Feb 2012 17:58

Did you try vlc 2.0.0 ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby mederi » 06 Feb 2012 19:12

I have just tried VLC 2. You probably mean improved detailed settings for subtitles and output rendering. That is much better now. But it still cannot play multiple independent (each uses own proper encoding) subtitles at the same time, such as English and Chinese or whatever for multilingual audience. I am bringing the idea of solution for this. New features, not only improving old concept.

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Feb 2012 00:35

Sure, it is not possible to have 2 subtitles, but most of the other features you were requesting are there now.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby igorvikulov » 10 Feb 2012 23:32

how can i use it from vlc player?

Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby mederi » 11 Feb 2012 13:33

You need to place "subtitler.lua" script file in one of the following folders, depending on your platform:
- Windows (all users): %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\
- Windows (current user): %APPDATA%\VLC\lua\extensions\
- Linux: ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/
- Mac OS X: VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/extensions/
Start the VLC. Then you simply use it by going to the “View” menu and selecting “subtitler”

to Jean-Baptiste Kempf:
Is it possible to reach internal VLC functions dealing with subtitles from the Lua script? You know, somehow to set custom encoding for the subtitles label widget in the dialog box window. As I am not a C programmer, even the way how to read actual playback time (VLC Extension: When will this be over?) looks like a miracle to me :) Thanks
Last edited by mederi on 14 Feb 2012 14:37, edited 1 time in total.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 11 Feb 2012 14:36

What exactly do you need?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby mederi » 14 Feb 2012 14:37

Well, to tell the truth, I even do not know what exactly I should need in this project. As complete subtitling is already done in VLC core I hope I could use something from it. You know better than me what it takes - from input of different file formats and different encodings to output on a screen.

Firs of all I would like to solve differently encoded subtitle files, tipically ANSI Windows various versions. I have found out that VLC is based on UTF-8 encoding, so everything has to be converted to this format to be properly displayed on the screen.
[image was here]
So I think that even writing this script in UTF-8 is a good choice. Are there any converting functions I could use?
Could I feed "Font encoding" drop-down menu with appropriate encodings straight from VLC? And accordingly also all available fonts for "Font type" drop-down menu? But font types has to be HTML standards.

If I need to make all parsing of subtitle files then I would stay with a single input subtitle format - SRT only.

I am also interested in main part - algorithm of displaying and disappearing subtitles in right times in VLC. Are there any repeating loops checking and comparing times all the time during media playback? Or are there any events I could use (and how to)?

I really appreciate your patience to give me some clues in this project. Thanks in advance.
Tip: tiny text editor Notepad++

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby mederi » 15 Feb 2012 18:26


The Countdown sample script does not work in VLC 2 - the counter hangs on "10".
In VLC 1.1.10 it works but it is unstoppable once it is started :)
strings.from_charset( charset, str ): convert a string from a specified
character encoding into UTF-8.
How to use it (list of supported charsets)? Is it implemented yet? Does not work for me.

Code: Select all

for line in io.lines("C:\my.txt") do end
This works in VLC 1.1.10 but does not in VLC 2. But "C:\\my.txt" already works.


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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler

Postby mederi » 16 Feb 2012 17:02

O.K. I think I've got how to use string charset conversion:

Code: Select all

vlc.strings.from_charset(charset, str) -- where charset is for example Central European (Eastern European): -- "Windows-1250" or "cp1250" -- "ISO-8859-2" or "ISO8859-2" or "Latin2" -- "852" or "cp852"
Is there any way how to read complete encoding list straight from VLC or could anybody dig out the complete list from VLC source codes? Thanks

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 13 Jul 2012 22:35

It is Friday the 13th, the best time for a new VLC extension :lol:
Subtitler (lite)
Feedback is welcome.

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby Xanf » 14 Jul 2012 16:10

How does it work? I select "subtitler(lite)" item in "View" menu, subtitler window is appear and that is all. How choose a file or track of subtitle?

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 14 Jul 2012 22:37

Please find "Gglobal variables" part in the script, read remarks there and edit values of variables if necessary:

Code: Select all

-- Global variables: subtitles_path = nil -- means automatic detection. For example "film.avi" looks for "film.srt" in the same directory. --subtitles_path = "D:/films/subtitles.srt" -- fixed subtitle file. The path must contain only English characters! output_osd = true -- true / false output_dialogbox = true html1 = "<div align=\"center\" style=\"background-color:white;\"><a style=\"font-family:Verdana;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold;color:black;background-color:white;\">" html2 = "</a></div>" welcome = "Subtitler (lite)" charset = "Windows-1250" -- Use proper codepage of your subtitles! ("ISO-8859-2", "cp852", ... ) --charset = nil -- means default UTF-8 encoding! osd_position = "top"
subtitles_path is set to nil by default. It means that the variable has no value and the script tries to automatically load SRT subtitles with the same name and location as played media file. For example if you play "d:\films\film.avi", then the extension would like to load "d:\films\film.srt" if it exists.
You can unmark subtitles_path = "D:/films/subtitles.srt" below the subtitles_path = nil and edit the path to your desired SRT subtitle file. It is the fixed subtile file for all your films. Next time you can just overwrite subtitle file with new content for another media (copy new subtitle file to the same path and rename it to specified name and it overwrites specified subtitle file with new content).
You should also edit charset to proper value: for example for Western European subtitles use "Windows-1252" or "ISO-8859-1". If you want "UTF-8", then set charset = nil or unmark it below the charset = "Windows-1250".

Perhaps it is clear now. You know, it is Subtitler (lite). If it is all right, then there could be improved Subtitler with user friendly controls and more features in the future.
I would like to know how does the extension behaves on different operating systems as I have Windows XP 32 only.

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby Xanf » 15 Jul 2012 01:05

Thank you very much for your detailed response. Automatic detection doesn't work (1.avi and 1.srt at the same location, the path contain only English characters, Linux 32), but with fixed path the extension works excellent! Thank you for your job!

Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 21 Aug 2012 15:59

Please, could some Linux and some Mac user test the script for me, whether the automatic detection of subtitles with the same filename and in the same directory works with new regular expression in the script?
Just edit line 120 in the code:

Code: Select all

media_uri = string.gsub(media_uri, "^.-///(.*)%..-$","%1")
and replace it with new one:

Code: Select all

media_uri = string.gsub(media_uri, "^.*//(.*)%..-$","%1")

What an idea to use different formats "file://..." and "file:///..." :?

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby Xanf » 26 Aug 2012 23:10

It works with

Code: Select all

media_uri = "/"..string.gsub(media_uri, "^.-///(.*)%..-$","%1")

Code: Select all

media_uri = "/"..string.gsub(media_uri, "^.*//(.*)%..-$","%1")
in Linux :wink:

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby MedfordTim » 03 Jan 2013 07:27

Okay, I don't understand this at all. WHAT exactly am I placing in the "extensions" folder? I can't paste a script into a folder. Am I saving it as a .txt file first?

I'm trying to use this as an alternative when VLC refuses to recognize a .srt file. Particularly when the video source is a VIDEO_TS.

What am I missing here? Win7, VLC 2.0.1 Twoflower

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 04 Jan 2013 14:21

ScitDei comes with solution for Win7 users: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=106715#p361322
So it is ordinary text file, but the filename extension is "lua" instead of "txt".

When you download the extension from addons website and your browser shows you the script instead of downloading it to a desired destination, you should follow DOWNLOAD instructions: "File > Save as... of your browser".
You can also try following download method:
1.) press download button
[ >download ] (Subtitler (lite).lua)
2.) when a redirecting page shows,
Thank you for downloading Subtitler (lite)
If the download does not start in 3 seconds: Click here
back to Subtitler (lite)
right-click on "Click here" and choose "Save target as..."
VLC refuses to recognize a .srt file.
Try drag&drop a subtitle file over playing video.

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby hckr » 06 Jan 2013 19:52

Your extension does not work on Linux with VLC version 2.0.4.The dialog can open but if i click on "Browse..." button, nothing happens.I mean,no open file dialog appears.

The lua script that is in extension directory of VideoLan also does not work.If i click menu option(View->Subtitler), a window that contains only the text "Subtitler" will appear and I can't choose my subtitle file because there is no button on the dialog.

Thanks in advance for your interest.

Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 07 Jan 2013 16:57

I put this information on the webpage of Subtitler (lite):
To set up the Subtitler (lite), please edit global variables at the beginning of the script.
The link leads to one of the posts here. The script is supposed to load subtitles automatically from the subtitle file of the same filename and path like playing video file or you can set up the script to load always the same subtitle file, for example "d:/films/1.srt" on Windows. The fixed path works very well. Just uncomment/set proper values in the script (Global variables).
I can't choose my subtitle file because there is no button on the dialog.
That is why it is "lite". There are no user friendly controls yet. Sorry.

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby laixix » 27 Jan 2013 21:13

I'm using Linux Mint 14 and I have installed VLC 2.0.4 Twoflower apparently the extension Subtitle (lite) does not work ....appears in the menu but does nothing to run...

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 28 Jan 2013 01:03

Please read previous posts. You could start here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=97791#p346477
Just set subtitles_path variable in the script. Fixed path to some srt subtitle file works very well.

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby laixix » 28 Jan 2013 07:24

vlc sends a message that says, "Extension not responding" Extension subtitle (lite). lua does not respond Do you want to kill it now?

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby laixix » 28 Jan 2013 08:02

I made ​​all the changes but apparently the extension does not work, I have for example I have, "subtitles_path =" / home / neutron / Downloads / a.srt "- fixed subtitle file," which the video has the same name as well, "a.flv ", try these.

media_uri = "/" .. string.gsub (media_uri, "^. * / / (. *)% .. - $", "% 1") in linux but still no results.

the problem is completely in linux, in windows works well, the same goes for this extension "subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles". I've been reading the other post and it seems most people have used the extension in windows vlc installed.

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Re: VLC Extension: subtitler >> External / Dual subtitles

Postby mederi » 28 Jan 2013 13:50

I do not know what is wrong with your Linux Mint 14. I am only Windows user, but Xanf, user of Linux, wrote:
Automatic detection doesn't work (1.avi and 1.srt at the same location, the path contain only English characters, Linux 32), but with fixed path the extension works excellent!
As for automatic detection, now I know that paths start with "/" sign in Linux:
It works with
media_uri = "/"..string.gsub(media_uri, "^.-///(.*)%..-$","%1")
media_uri = "/"..string.gsub(media_uri, "^.*//(.*)%..-$","%1")
in Linux :wink:
This is already implemented in a new VLC Extension: Show Me the Meaning, but apparently it also does not work for you.

Linux gurus, please, advise :)

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