Could you tell me reason why this forum is not bilingual ?

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.

Could you tell me reason why this forum is not bilingual ?

Postby THE FRENCHY » 29 Jan 2004 10:56

Les gens qui tiennent ce forum sont de très bons développeurs, mais de piètres défenseurs de leur langue maternelle, ils se permettent même de reprendre les francophones qui "osent" lacher une question en Français

Je n'ai rien contre l'anglais, mais devons-nous vraiment jouer le jeu de l'universalisme a tout crin ???

Comme si écrire en français sur un forum tenu par des français était une honte sous prétexte que la langue du commerce international est l'anglais... c'est grave !

Sachez Messieurs que la langue de Molière est encore lu écrite et parlée par près d'un milliard de gens dont 500 millions dont c'est la langue maternelle (canada, afrique, iles australes, ...), que les francophones et francophiles se comptent par millions dans le monde... que le rayonnement culturel, économique et politique de la france fut longtemps le premier sur le globe...

Alors de grace n'imposez pas aux gens de s'exprimer dans une langue qui déjà a réussi à s'imposer comme un "dialecte universel" (il suffit de 500 mots de vocabulaire pour s'exprimer correctement en anglais) alors qu'ils maîtrisent une langue riche de beaucoup plus de subtilités.

Vous jouez le jeu des américains qui sont vos "colonisateurs culturels" on peu dire que vous êtes obéissants comme colonisés !

A bon entendeur


The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 29 Jan 2004 17:48

This forum is english.
That is because most users are english speaking (or at least at some level) and most are not french speaking.

We would need to split the forums in two which would mean the developers (whom are the only moderators currently) need to divide their attention over 2 forums. We are already busy plenty.

It would help if the developers didn't have to answer all the support questions, but atm this isn't the case. Therefore things are as they are unfortunately. If you would look at statistics, then you would see i'm responsible for about 1/6 posts on this forum. i'm not french...
Don't use PMs for support questions.

the frenchy


Postby the frenchy » 30 Jan 2004 11:46

Thank's a lot for your answer,

I'm agree with you it would be difficult , and of course you are not responsible of this situation because you are are not not french... so i'm not angry with anyone but a bit disappointed to see this situation, that 's all.

best regards

The frenchy

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Postby dufour.emmanuel » 30 Jan 2004 13:38

According to me reasons for choosing english as a language in this forum are absolutely not related to marchandizing purposes !!

The simpliest reason to accept this situation:
do you want more chance to get an answer
to your question ?

I agree this question would also require a large discussion with people involved in politic, science, litterature, music because of the problems then arising:
-->if the decision that each country should use its language would have been approved, WHO will accept to PAY the live translators, the multi translations of books/articles ...
-->if french had been approved as THE international language for everyone, would you ask for the question too ? Do you prefer to create an esperanto like language that nobody speaks now ?
-->the speed of the progresses of all sciences during the last decades is partly due to the large diffusion of the knowledge and researches allowed by the choice of A language for publication.
-->Do you suggest when scientists (for example), 2 french and an english, physically speak together, the 2 frenchs should speak to each other in french and speak to the third guy in englis, arguing that they are more numerous or that they have orginazed the forum ?
-->All (good) high level students should have read the "bible" books in their discipline. Do you propose to learn russian, deutsch, japanese and many others at school ?

I agree with (rational) discussion but not with emotionnal-driven discussion... :wink: and...
I'M french and i'm really involved/concerned by diffusion of research!

Emmanuel DUFOUR.

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