Probs using VLC with my Dell XPS remote

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Probs using VLC with my Dell XPS remote

Postby pholmes » 27 Aug 2011 16:09

Hi Admins,

I have been using my DELL laptops media remote with VLC media player for quite some time now.

But since today, my rewind & forward function keys are behaving strangely. Earlier I had set the hotkeys for them in the option 'Preferences' according to my convenience, for e.g. when i used to rewind it (which is given as a short backwards jump) was just the video time that used to go backwards by around 3 secs. But now since today, when i try doing rewind (very short backwards jump), the video goes back 3 secs as before BUT NOW THE VIDEO PLAYS AT A SLOWER SPEED TOO.

It would be a big help if u can help me sort this out. Im in the middle of preparing for an exam & my studies were happening until now coz i could play these files using a remote while taking notes.

Tnx for ur time.

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