VLC Crashes when Video is Paused before it Buffers

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VLC Crashes when Video is Paused before it Buffers

Postby lewisgoddard » 22 Aug 2011 16:20

Version: 1.1.11 Platform: Windows Vista, Ubuntu 11.04, Probable all Windows/Linux?. Unable to check iOS.

If you launch a video, specifically AVI/MP4 i know, maybe others, and attempt to pause (i use the spacebar) before the video has buffered (the time, bottom right, will show --:--/--:--) then VLC appears to exit.

On relaunch, VLC notifies of a crash, and then continues as normal.

This is difficult for me to reproduce because most videos (from hard-disk) buffer faster than i can pause them, however i have seen it time and time again.

For the same reason i think it's quite a minor bug, but a bug none-the-less.

I have also checked the Nightly Build on Vista, and it did the same thing (after several failed attempts).

Ticket #5238

I was wondering if anyone else could verify on Windows 7 or iOS (Lion)?

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