VLC RAOP Airtunes volume control

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
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VLC RAOP Airtunes volume control

Postby nickdjones » 30 Jul 2011 01:41


I've setup VLC to Airtunes streaming thanks to @crzyhanko's instructions:

I'm trying to find a way of using VLC's volume slider, to control the Volume setting for RAOP. It seems there is no way with RAOP of turning off the Volume override setting, and instead defaulting to the VLC volume slider.

Does anyone know of any setting I can make that will allow me to control the volume for RAOP streamed content via the VLC volume slider?

thanks, Nick

New Cone
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Re: VLC RAOP Airtunes volume control

Postby schpok » 04 Feb 2013 06:23

I'm interested in this as well, but don't see any hooks from any of the interfaces to get to the raop settings. The standard non-raop volume settings don't have any influence.

It sucks, but here's what I'm thinking of trying: Write a little script that has a variable for what the raop volume is set to. On some Vol+/- signal, stop playback and reconnect with the raop volume variable. This means like a second delay in reconnection just to change the volume, but it's something for now.

I intend to use this mostly for streaming media, but for local mp3s, could also read back where in the song playback is and seek to that position when reconnecting at the new volume level.

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