This is what we'd like to see in VLC media player

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 32
Joined: 12 May 2011 07:38

This is what we'd like to see in VLC media player

Postby c627627 » 28 Jun 2011 02:31

File > Open DVD > Paste location

And the player immediately correctly detects and does not stretch beyond recognition the 4:3 menu:

Image Image

Sure, yes, you can VLC media player > Media > Open disc... > Paste location
VLC media player > Video > Aspect Ratio > 4:3 to get what you get above in two steps but

You are opening a FOLDER, not a disc. There is an Open Folder... VLC menu option but that doesn't get you to where you can paste a FOLDER location (!) The Open Disc... menu option gets you to where you can paste a FOLDER location. That may make sense to us (?) but when you try explaining all of this to your grandma or your computer illiterate cousins = problem. Please consider re-designing these to accomplish the obvious in as few steps as possible. Thank you for making this program.


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