VLC Improved GUI suggestion

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
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VLC Improved GUI suggestion

Postby chuchay » 25 May 2011 18:17

I do have some suggestions to compensate for the "ugly" interface of vlc. The existing option in vlc that actually is pretty much good looking is when you use "Minimal View" because it pretty much resembles the WMP12 in Windows 7. The thing that is preventing me from using that mode as default is the lack of on-screen controls, so what my suggestion is this:

*Add a new mode, actually a modified version of the "Minimal Mode" where I will be able to see a simple overlay of controls (play pause etc.) in front of the video.
*This will be the supposed behavior:
1) When I open a video the video plays with the overlay controls present for about 3 seconds then fades away after that if i didn't move the mouse over the video open.
2) When in the middle of the video I decide to play or pause or fast forward or something (using the on screen overlay controls not the keyboard) the overlay control will fade in again and i will be able to click those then after 3seconds (or less) the overlay controls will fade out again.

NOTE: This requested behavior is similar with the WMP12 in Windows 7, so you can pretty much imagine and visualize what I am referring to
NOTE2: If it is possible please consider using simple and modern looking overlay controls. I will try to create a photoshop mockup if you want.
This is what i visualize:
1) The background of the overlay is black rectangle with rounded corners.
2) The progress bar is the topmost item end top end with some margins in the sides so it will still be inside the rounded rectangle background.
3) The rounded black rectangle background should be semi transparent (if it is possible) then a white outline around the rounded black rectangle.
4) The control keys should be flat and simple white controls (like in Windows Phone 7 player or iOS)
5) When hovered the edge of the control will glow (so the white control keys should have an invisble margin around it so to distinguish the glow which should also be white); when the hover is removed the glow will vanish.
6) When the control key (play, pause etc) is selected the glow will be retained.
7) Regarding the buttons, make the volume rocker a simple white line with a circle as the indicator where the volume rocker is situated. (same to the one in the progress bar indicator)
In the progress bar, the part of the movie that is already played it should have white glow (maybe apply this principle in thevolume rocker)
9) If this overlay control keys can be applied if the video is full screened it will be more awesome

All these should be done NOT in the skins system already available because it will be not native to how Windows look, it should be applied to the one used in the Minimal View mode. Maybe name it as New Minimal View or Modern View.

I definitely think that this solution will definitely change how people perceive VLC upon its look and appeal and it will have positive effect on the whole VLC media player. Thank you and please do consider my suggestion as I have been a long time VLC user that really wants all the best for VLC.

(readers if you think this is a good idea post a reply to say it or say some additional things I forgot to mention that will be in line with what I have suggested)

Lucy Saxon
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC Improved GUI suggestion

Postby Lucy Saxon » 02 Jun 2011 19:19

I think this would be brilliant. I think it looks great in minimal interface mode, but not very nice in full interface. I really wouldn't even mind the lack of controls though if all the hotkeys would work in minimal. I tend to watch a lot of things while browsing and chatting online and I need a window that doesn't take up a whole lot of unnecessary space. The minimal interface is great because I choose the window size and no wasted space, but only the basic hotkeys work (play/pause, next, previous, reverting back to full).

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