VLC Web Plugin and CSS3 transitions

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VLC Web Plugin and CSS3 transitions

Postby sideproject » 23 Feb 2011 05:44

The wiki documentation for the WebPlugin hints at the possibility of using CSS3 transitions and transformations, but doesn't provide any examples of how to do this. I'm referring to the documentation here:
http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation: ... r.2FSafari.

There's a line that states "the use of CSS3 transitions or transforms with embedded VLC object will cause VLC to crash. Also, VLC does not respond to z-index, it will always force itself on top(...)Neither of these problems exist with HTML5 <video> (fully tested)".

So, is there a way to implement the VLC plugin using <video> tags or have I misinterpreted the text quoted above? If it is possible, can anyone provide example HTML code? The only post I found on these forums on this topic had a poster indicating that the browser's own html5 video object would override the VLC object if <video> tags were used, but that was a pretty old post.


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 20 Jun 2011 22:00

Re: VLC Web Plugin and CSS3 transitions

Postby ModusPwnens » 20 Jun 2011 22:02

I'm interested in this as well. Are there any code snippets out there showing how to use the video tags with VLC plugin?

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