I'm trying to watch a fansub of the 2005 anime "Yukikaze". The subtitles are there, but they are so tiny that an entire line of text ends up becoming a muddy dot below the movie.
The settings under Preferences\Video\Subtitles/OSD\Text renderer are applied to VLC's own text display (eg. the name of the file being played right after playback starts and the volume display while using the mouse wheel), but seem to have no effect on the subtitles at all.
The file in question is a Matroska file that includes its own fonts:
Code: Select all
|+ Attachments
| + Attached
| + File name: absci.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 46108
| + File UID: 948855177
| + Attached
| + File name: Babelfish.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 37528
| + File UID: 2054233258
| + Attached
| + File name: DUALITY.TTF
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 49276
| + File UID: 1436654750
| + Attached
| + File name: OfficinaSansStd-Book.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 34888
| + File UID: 1383948722
| + Attached
| + File name: OfficinaSansStd-BookItalic.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 34908
| + File UID: 1299758743
| + Attached
| + File name: OfficinaSerifStd-Bold.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 34524
| + File UID: 2259285395
| + Attached
| + File name: OfficinaSerifStd-BoldItalic.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 37340
| + File UID: 2888775855
| + Attached
| + File name: OfficinaSerifStd-Book.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 35996
| + File UID: 3565660847
| + Attached
| + File name: OfficinaSerifStd-BookItalic.ttf
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 36180
| + File UID: 2610157230
| + Attached
| + File name: SLEEP.TTF
| + Mime type: application/x-truetype-font
| + File data, size: 31288
| + File UID: 3666099375
Code: Select all
[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: Style1,SleepTalk,24,&H00FFFFFF,&H00151C28,&H00000000,&H82000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0.00,0.00,1,2.00,2.00,2,30,30,2,0
Style: Title,Duality,26,&H4BFFFFFF,&H4BFFFFFF,&H4B000000,&H4B000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0.00,0.00,1,4.00,2.00,2,10,10,10,0
Style: style2,SleepTalk,26,&H00FFFFFF,&H00151C28,&H00000000,&H82000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,0.00,0.00,1,2.00,2.00,2,30,30,2,0
Style: kickassanime,Duality,20,&H5AFFFFFF,&H5A000000,&H5A000000,&H5A000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0.00,0.00,1,2.00,2.00,9,10,10,10,0
Style: song,Babelfish,26,&H46FFFFFF,&H46000000,&H46000000,&HB4000000,0,0,0,0,90,110,0.00,0.00,1,2.00,2.00,2,10,10,10,0
Is there anything I could try to get the subtitles displayed?