Avi xvid play problem, vlc skipping all frames

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Avi xvid play problem, vlc skipping all frames

Postby seabhcan » 20 Jan 2011 12:10

I am generating avis, xvid codec, using mencoder. These play fine in Windows Media Player and Totem Movie Player on Ubuntu. But on VLC (1.1.5) only the first frame will appear (both windows and Linux vlc have identical issue). Also tried opening the files in Virtualdub, and its fine.

Other xvid encoded avis seem to work fine in VLC.

message log with verbosity at 2: (important bits)

Code: Select all

main debug: saving a free vout avi debug: free chunk avih avi debug: free chunk strh avi debug: free chunk strf avi warning: unknown chunk (not unloaded) avi debug: free chunk LIST avi debug: free chunk LIST avi debug: free chunk ISFT avi debug: free chunk LIST avi debug: free chunk JUNK avi debug: free chunk LIST avi debug: free chunk idx1 avi debug: free chunk RIFF avi warning: unknown chunk (not unloaded) avi debug: free chunk LIST

Code: Select all

avcodec error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?) main warning: late picture skipped (532251 > -1233) main warning: late picture skipped (522637 > -1125) main warning: late picture skipped (57704 > -1121) main warning: late picture skipped (51204 > -1116) main warning: late picture skipped (45123 > -1189) main debug: auto hidding mouse
Why is it skipping frames?

(obviously my computer is not 'too slow' as it works on other players. Tried it on several machines here. Windows 7 & Ubuntu. Approx spec of our machines is 2-8 core, 4gb-16gb, 2Ghz-3Ghz)

I've looked around the forum, and found this thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=50886 but that seems to be a more complex windows issue.

Here is a sample video file with the issue. Please note that the content is dull and frame rate should be 2fps but watch the timestamp to see that vlc freezes.

Download: http://www.box.net/shared/tmv4v5rprb

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 20 Jan 2011 11:41

Re: Avi xvid play problem, vlc skipping all frames

Postby seabhcan » 24 Jan 2011 11:58

No one interested in this bug?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 20 Jan 2011 11:41

Re: Avi xvid play problem, vlc skipping all frames

Postby seabhcan » 08 Jun 2011 12:31

This seems to be fixed in the latest VLC

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