Any recommendation 4 screencap to .jpg while watching VLC?

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Any recommendation 4 screencap to .jpg while watching VLC?

Postby kdfuier » 10 Apr 2005 08:10

I'd like to capture a frame to a .jpg file while watching a movie in VLC.

Alternately if I can do this with VLC I'd also like a recomendation to
do the same thing with just a regular Windows screen too.

For the Windows setup I have a few picture programs that do this but
they're large and take time to load. I basically press Prt Scr then paste
to the picture program. But it would be nice to have a 'really small'
.exe file that would when run cap the screen to a file that was perhaps
named incrementally.

Is that ok or am I asking too much? :)

Here's a cup of coffee. Hey. speaking of Coffee..

Did you know there's a new kind of 'poop' coffee?

Yep, there's a coffee bean that when eaten by an animal then pooped
it is picked up and cleaned and then brewed (or roasted then brewed)
and it makes the sweetest low acid coffee. It's called.....

and it's about $200/lb (I think) update $600/lb

Just search google for poop coffee.

The animal is a civet.

......usual delicacy: coffee beans picked from the feces of a jungle cat.

Urban Fare is testing whether its customers will shell out $600 per pound for "Kopi Luwak" coffee beans, billed as one of the ra....

I'd like to see it on Fear Factor. But I want to know if they brew it too.


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Postby dionoea » 10 Apr 2005 20:40

the developement version has a new snapshot feature. Use Ctrl-S to capture a frame. (this can be tested here : )
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

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