Integration With Existing Encoders

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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Integration With Existing Encoders

Postby melban » 20 Jan 2004 22:58

After reading for a few hours about VLS & VLC I have come to these conclusions but I need some confirmation.

1. I am currently using Windows Media Encoder and Windows Media Server. I will be able with VLS to stream the media that is being encoded using my WME?

2. I also have a few Toshiba webcams. I am now able to access them via a long long long url to get images. If I have setup VLS to capture this webcam It will automaticaly stream those changing images if I have the correct url specified? If so how does this work and in what format will it be out put ?

3. Is there anything I should know about using WME with VLS and is there any better encoders for live media that I might should consider using?

4. From what I gather Real Audio/Video formats are not supported at this time?

5. I am using an early version of Netshow Encoder to do my Real Encoding so will I be able to use that in any way ? THis software points to the server rather than having the server point to it.


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